Welcome to DEAL Foundation

Your partner of choice for inclusive

and sustainable development.

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Who are we?

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The pledge of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development is to

‘Leave no one behind’.

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DEAL Foundation is a not-for-profit community-based development organisation passionate about
understanding your challenges to inclusion and working right beside you to solve them.
We work with persons with disability, women members and our partners to ‘Co-Create’ livelihood
and enterprise development opportunities for inclusive and sustainable development.

           Our Goal.


Facilitate development of a community-based start-up and

entrepreneurship model that can be scaled-up to create sustainable rural livelihoods for 3000 persons with disability and 1000 women members covering 7 taluks, 138 Gram Panchayats and 346 revenue villages across
Gadag district in North Karnataka by 2028.


3043 persons with disability and 1325 women members trained in disability awareness and
community sensitization.



3386 persons with disability and 794 women members supported to undertake and complete
sustainable livelihoods baseline survey to monitor progress against individual outcomes.

1373 persons with disability and 1649 Women members involved in Financial Literacy, Leadership and Enterprise Development Training. 

802 persons with disability and

981 women members trained and engaged in sustainable
livelihood activities.

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185 self-help-groups formed with 1217 persons with disability and 680 women members.

1128 persons with disability and 366 Women Members supported through financial inclusion activities including access to start-up and provision of bank linkage support.

Mundargi disabled person cooperative society ‘Surakshita’ establish with 536 persons with
disability as its shareholders.

Agriculture-based producer company ‘Parisara Samridhi’ established to engage and
empower up to 1000 persons with disability and women members.

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We promote participatory approaches to the design, development, and delivery of livelihood
support interventions. Our aim is to bridge the gap between consultation, collaboration, and
empowerment as it results in


Closer engagement with the corporate sector is a priority for DEAL Foundation and we are committed to working in partnership to facilitate business-industry collaboration and ultimately help drive inclusive growth and development. Our approach is flexible, and we are committed to working both on small-scale projects with SMEs to large collaborative initiatives with major Corporates.

By working with us at DEAL Foundation, Corporates are able to access specialist expertise to:
 -Develop and implement inclusive CSR strategies and programmes.
 -Achieve better alignment of and leverage brand image and identity.
 -Harness diverse talent and develop social capital.
 -Create sustainable value.
 -Evaluate outcomes achieved.

To find out more about the value DEAL CSR partnerships  can create,

please E-mail: csr@deal-foundation.com


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