As the name suggests, accessibility is nothing but the ability to access anything with ease. Therefore accessibility is an important subject for everyone depending on the level of its intensity.

In the society today, where things have taken a new turn for the better and technology has been playing a major role, certainly life has become more convenient, but an important question one needs to really keep in mind is weather the technology introduced is accessible to every sector of  the society?

More than 1 billion of the world’s total population are seen as having one or other form of disability for whom unfortunately accessibility has been identified as one of the major issues particularly in the field of transportation and communication, leading an active social life, employment and recruitment, health etc. it’s not wrong to say that accessibility benefits all members of the society including people with disabilities.  Improving accessibility encourages better quality of life and gives way to independence and better social connections. in addition to that, improved accessibility creates an opportunity for persons with disabilities to live independently thus leading to lower demands for special services therefore proves to be more economical to those living in the society.

In an accessible environment, people can care for themselves and live independently for much longer. Thus it is rightly said that accessibility supports and encourages a longer life span, thus reducing the burden on the senior health care services.

 An accessible environment with essential accessible buildings such as the libraries, enables people with disabilities to move around independently and access day to day information. On the other hand it also motivates people to come out of their homes more often which in turn leads to building better social relationships and prevents social isolation.

Improvement in accessibility of transport is another important step that needs to be taken as it enhances a person with a disability to move freely and independently.

Employment and recruitment is another area where major issues of accessibilities have been witnessed, hence it is important to ensure accessible place of work and accessible infrastructure so that persons with disabilities can be in power with the rest of the members they work with.

And finally the most important aspect is ones health, making sports fields, play grounds, accessible for persons with disabilities to engage themselves in some sports and leisure activities would contribute towards their good health, thus reducing dependence on health care services.


Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation works across the districts of Gadag and Bengaluru to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities.

As a part of our work, we promote awareness on making technology, information, and physical surroundings accessible to every person with a disability. To do this, we collaborate with different non-government organizations, schools etc. and create awareness on ways to make life easier for persons with disabilities.

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