As Corporate Partner


Closer engagement with the corporate sector is a DEAL priority and we are committed to working in partnership to facilitate business-industry collaboration and ultimately help drive inclusive growth and development. Our approach is flexible, and we are committed to working both on small-scale projects with SMEs to large collaborative initiatives with major Corporates.

By working with DEAL, Corporates are able to access specialist expertise to:

  • Harness diverse talent;
  • Develop and implement inclusive CSR strategies and programmes;
  • Achieve better alignment of and leverage brand image and identity;
  • Create sustainable value;
  • Champion fairness and inclusion;
  • Evaluate outcomes achieved;

To find out more about the value DEAL CSR partnerships  can create please Email :

As Government 

As GovernmentDEAL Foundation is committed to working in partnership with government bodies to reduce inequalities and social disadvantage faced by people with disabilities.

As Supporter/


The contribution of supporters and volunteers is vital to the DEAL programmes.  By working with DEAL, volunteers and supporters can help.

As community groups and non governmental organisation NGO Partner

DEAL Foundation recognises the important role of NGOs in community organisation and development.

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