From historic times to the present day, social attitudes about differences and similarities between people have continued to inform and shape our view about inclusion.

Individual rights, freedom, equality of opportunity and fairness are universally accepted as hallmarks of a civilised world order.

Yet we are far from achieving the level playing field between people who share different characteristics such as race, gender, disability, sexuality, religion etc protected by law.

For example, persons with disabilities are more likely to be excluded from access to decent livelihood opportunities.  More often than not, persons with disability find themselves to be limited due to lack of awareness, negative social attitudes and discrimination.

Life can be more expensive for persons with a disability, as many countries do not have universal health care or insurances do not cover the cost of rehabilitation and assistive devices.

Women with disabilities face multiple disadvantages and struggle even more to build up a decent livelihood. This is because; Communities tend to invest less in their future, making them even more vulnerable to having to making them victims of abuse.

It has been recorded that In India, out of the 121 Cr population, 2.68 Cr persons are disabled Out of which 2.21% of the total population are of persons in rural areas and 0.81 Cr in urban areas.  As the above figure illustrates, majority of the population with disabilities reside in the rural community, where there is a lack of awareness regarding the facilities provided by the government towards assisting persons with disabilities or even with regards to how to help the disabled population specially women sustain themselves.


DEAL Foundation works across the districts of Gadag and Bengaluru to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities.

As part of this work, we provide training and support to persons with disability to:

  1. Develop independent living skills.
  2. Build self-confidence and esteem.
  3. Build positive community role models.
  4. Identify livelihood options that are right for them.
  5. Acquire vocational skills including soft skills.
  6. Undertake income generation activities including enterprise development.
  7. Access financial services including micro credit through bank linkage.
  8. Access markets through market linkage support.

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