Basavanneva contracted polio during early childhood. Married into a family from a farming background, Basavannevva refused her condition to get in the way.

She came to DEAL Foundation through the sustainable rural livelihood programme. Having gained useful livelihood skills she helps to look after the two cows and two bulls at home. With help she also attends to her small family farm. She has acquired enough tailoring skills to stitch clothes for members of her family.

Recently, Basavannevva has installed a small photo copier which is helping people in the village community. People using it have given her an additional source of income.

Renukadevi, Livelihoods Officer DEAL Foundation is working with Basavannevva to help her set up a micro enterprise by installing a vermicelli making unit based on local need. This will add another income generation stream and will help increase income levels and build individual resilience.

“The continued support and encouragement that I receive from DEAL Foundation has helped me a lot. In particular, the training sessions on farm based livelihoods have given me the confidence that I can access the right information and support that I need to build a successful enterprise” said Basavannevva.

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