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Diabetes and persons with disabilities

Type 2 diabetes has been and continues to be a national epidemic. The Telangana disability study showed that disabled persons had nearly five times higher risk of suffering from diabetes. A study in rural Haryana stated that the prevalence of diabetes was more common...

Coping with mental illness

Mental illness, also called mental health disorders refers to a wide range of mental health conditions / disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and...

Ways to get fit and stay healthy if you’re disabled

The physical and mental benefits of regular exercise are well known. If you’re disabled, incorporating regular and appropriate exercise can help with many health conditions while keeping you active, improving your mood and wellbeing. Also, depending on the type of...

Meditation: A fast and simple way to reduce stress

COVID-19 has all of us stressed out, between worries of coming down with the nasty virus and seemingly endless searches for vaccination appointments.  Research has shown that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected people’s physical health, but it’s come with a...

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