Consultation On Covid-19 Response & Recovery


  • Stay relevant over the period of the Pandemic and beyond.
  • Inform immediate, medium and long-term priorities.
  • Set clear milestones for recovery.
  • Ensure continuity, stability and financial sustainability.
  • Create self-reliant, inclusive and sustainable communities.
  • Maximize impact.

Members & Groups Consulted:

  • DEAL Foundation Staff and Board Members.
  • Community, Joint Liability Groups and Self-Help groups.
  • Partners and Individual Supporters.


Enlist views from stakeholders involved on the role,  service  priorities  and future direction of DEAL Foundation against the context of the Pandemic and its devastating impact on lives and livelihoods.


Given the severity of the Pandemic, lockdown conditions and the need to enlist a rapid response, respective stakeholders were contacted via phone over the period 24th May to 4th June 2021.

In total 93 people were consulted using a set of nine open ended questions.


Scope of the consultation was determined by the following questions:

  • What problem should DEAL Foundation seek to solve?
  • Why do you believe this problem needs to be addressed?
  • Does this problem matter to other people?
  • Do you believe DEAL Foundation is in a position to address this problem?
  • Are there changes you believe DEAL Foundation can make that can help recover from the Pandemic?
  • What are these changes?
  • How do you see DEAL Foundation   emerging from this Pandemic?
  • How would you want things to be different post the Pandemic?
  • Does what you want to see post the Pandemic help you connect on a personal level with others?


Feedback received from the consultation shows that:

  • Majority people consulted (93%) said that DEAL Foundation needs to prioritize provision of immediate sustenance support and  financial assistance and put-in-place a recovery plan for households of persons with disability most effected by the Pandemic.
  • Over half (61%) people consulted said that they would like to see DEAL Foundation take steps to develop an ecosystem to achieve improved integration of disability, sustainable livelihood support, community health and well-being.
  • Around one-third people consulted said that collaborative working was key to improve coordination, avoid duplication   and strengthen local accountability. An overwhelming majority two-third people consulted said that there is a urgent need to ensure local resources are effectively targeted to those most in need in a timely, fair and equitable manner.
  • Majority people consulted (73%) expressed the view that disability was not a priority issue both in social and political terms and as such had not received the required attention prior to or over the period of the Pandemic. Less than one-third (27%) people consulted expressed the view that things were improving and prioritization of persons with disability for vaccination was a clear sign of this.
  • Over two-third people consulted (79%) expressed the view that the work of DEAL Foundation prior to and over the period of the Pandemic was highly valuable and needed to be supported. Around, (24%) people consulted expressed the view that DEAL Foundation could do more to respond to requests for immediate assistance and financial support for those affected by the Pandemic.
  • Over half (65%) people consulted  said that there is a need to create a network of community-centric, one-stop drop-in centers  as it was not always possible to travel to Mevundi due to issues of access, public transport, assistance,  time and money. 
  • Majority people consulted (72%) said that  persons with disability involved in income generation activities were facing difficulties  in receiving timely financial inclusion, bank and market linkage support. “Only a fraction of 60 JLG and 5 SHG members had received bank linkage support following lengthy delays. This situation is beginning to demotivate some of the members who were enthusiastic to get started on their journey to financial independence”.
  • Majority people consulted  (80%)  said that social enterprises/producer companies    could play a vital role in local community regeneration but often local communities lacked the required skills,  understanding,  experience and capacity to establish and run them.  
  • Over two-third people consulted (79%) said that post Pandemic; there would be a greater need for support from DEAL Foundation to assist with the rehabilitation and recovery process.   “As the Pandemic continues to erode individual and community confidence, there is an urgent need to organize and work with individuals and local community groups to revive income generation activities and instill a sense of hope and renewal”.
  • Well over two-third (69%) people consulted said that the Pandemic had created a greater sense of urgency for change. And that the post Pandemic era needed to be constructed with a sense of shared and an inclusive future based on diversity and equal opportunity for all.

Next Steps:

  • Assess feedback.
  • Inform immediate, medium and long-term service priorities.
  • Develop 2030 road-map for impact.
  • Manage change.
  • Create lasting impact.

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