Did you know?

One billion people – 15 per cent of the world’s population – currently have a disability, and 80 per cent of them live in developing countries.

Most of the vulnerable people residing in the rural communities particularly persons with disabilities face a number of barriers such as physical attitudinal environmental and social barriers which prevent them being active members of the society and the economy.

Due to this, in spite of being the world’s largest minority, they are more often over looked by the rest of the society.

Available data illustrates that the proportion of people with disabilities living under the poverty line is higher than that of people without disabilities.  In some countries, twice as high. In developing countries, people with disabilities and their households are less likely to always have food to eat.

On the other hand, the pandemic has deepened the already existing inequalities and exclusion. Despite being at the greater risk of contracting illnesses, persons with disabilities are nevertheless particularly disadvantaged by its socio-economic consequences as well, including job losses and lockdown measures to control the spread.

People in the rural setting are more likely to face challenges than that of the people residing in urban areas as they lack the ability to receive proper education, employment less likely to be attended by a skilled health worker and less likely to own a mobile phone.

People with disabilities are most often seen as objects of charity, who require mere medical treatments and social protection not as individuals who are capable of making their decisions, exercising their rights, based on their consent and being an active member both socially and economically.

(Source: ifad.org)

As a solution to these on-going problems, Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation works across the district of gadag in Meundi a village situated in Mundargi taluk.

The main objective of the foundation is to help persons with disabilities lead an active and independent life.

To do this the foundation identifies the problems faced by the persons having disabilities and further help them explore different livelihood options that are sutable and could help them achieve sustainability.

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