Every individual has their own qualities and can bring different things to a company, so it’s important to have an element of diversity among one’s staff. This can be either in terms of one’s personality, skills and providing equal opportunities to everyone seeking employment.

 A large number of people are affected due to health issues, some of which could be considered as a disability in its own right. Therefor it’s important that these individuals are offered the opportunity to progress in their career which would in turn help improve one’s business.

Roughly 15% of the world’s population have some form of disability. The rate of disabilities is on the rise, due to people generally living for longer these days. In Asia it is estimated that 238 million people working age have a disability and the unemployment rate is as high as 80% amongst them. Over 60% of people with a disability in America said they would like to work, but can’t find a job. These statistics brings to mind one very important question which needs a sharper focus.

 What adjustments can be made to cater for disabilities in the workplace?

  • Changes could be made to a disabled person’s work patterns/location.
  • Alterations can be made to the work premises to assist the individual.
  • Ensure that information is provided in accessible formats and
  • Support job applications from those with a disability.

If these can be taken in to consideration when hiring a person with disability, I’m pretty sure the work place will be an inclusive one!

The next important question an employer would pose is what benefits would the company and the person with disabilities enjoy in working in an inclusive environment?

  • It provides social opportunities and an income for people with a disability.
  • Diversity in the workplace can help to create better solutions to business challenges.
  • Studies in the US have found that there is a better retention rate and level of absenteeism among employees with a disability.
  • Findings in the UK have observed increased employee satisfaction and better productivity among staff.

Therefore there’s no need to look back when hiring a person with a disability.

(Source: theundercoverrecruiter.com)

Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation works across the districts of Gadag and Bengaluru to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities.

We also promote awareness on providing an inclusive space for all to work in and encourage more employment opportunities for persons with disabilities which would enable them live an independent life.

To know more, you could write to us at info@deal-foundation.com.

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