Dear readers,  presenting you with another blog this time a bit more interesting both for me to write and for you to read. I say it is interesting because here I would be explaining why I decided  to follow my heart and not my head.    

Just in case you are wondering, and have not read my previous blog, I gave up my job in the I.T. industry to comeback and work for the not-for-profit sector. 

Just for a better understanding, I’d like to provide a little background about myself. On completing my education, I  learnt that the organisation offers employability and entrepreneurship training for people with disabilities wanting to get into work. I then realised this is what i should be doing before I could call myself a working professional.

I then got in touch with the organisation,  and also got into the training after successfully completing my interview. The experiences at the training was truly enriching and the learning enormous. After I successfully completed the training, I was then selected as an intern in the same organisation. I worked as a market researcher for about 6 months. I then moved on to working for a multinational company (MNC). There I worked as a trainee immigration specialist. As the name suggests, I used to help or rather train people on how they could obtain  visas to different countries. Working there of course gave me another set of learning and experience, but after about 3 ½ years, I understood that this is not where my passion lies.

For those of you who have read my previous blog I had put before you a question; was this because I believe that I’m entrepreneurial and could try my hand at something new or was this because I just needed a change?

Here’s the answer to it, I wanted to do something new and use my creativity in a way I thought is best,  that is through writing. I was glad to know that my dream to become a content developer could actually come true if I work at Deal Foundation. I have always loved to be a part  of this organisation as the work of the organisation is in line with what I liked to always involve myself in. So here I am with a lot of fulfilment in my job role. Hope I can reach to greater heights and achieve success but not without your help, you must be wondering how you can help me?  Through your open suggestions, comments, and feedback. Hope you will help me by doing that. I started this blog with thequestion:

Does it pay to follow your heart and not your head?

The only thing that I can say for now is that I have set off and it is exciting to be on this journey.

I hope to make the most of it.

I would love to hear from you about your experience. 

Happy reading and would love to hear from you.

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