Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5. It promotes awareness and action for environmental protection. It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, and government entities. The primary United Nations body that supports the environment represents an awareness day that reaches out to all.

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, which arose out of discussions on human interactions and the integration of the environment. A year later, in 1973, the first World Environment Day (WED) was held with the theme “One Earth.” Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th to create awareness about the environment and prevent further damage caused by human activities. This day also reminds us of the many steps that need to be taken to protect our environment. We know that global warming is the main factor affecting our environment, so it is our duty to save and protect it. The government has implemented many measures to this end. In addition, non-governmental organizations are also working for environmental protection. The Deal Foundation is one of them.

The Deal Foundation is working in every taluk to financially help disabled individuals and promote women’s self-reliance. To create a greener environment, the foundation has planted many trees on its property. Additionally, the Deal Foundation provides training to differently-abled farmers in various agricultural activities, including organic farming, preparation of organic medicines, production of saplings, preparation of earthworm manure, beekeeping, dairy farming, and sheep-goat rearing. Furthermore, they are growing plants such as tamarind, curry tree, guava, and sago, and they sell the fruits in the market.

Apart from this, the Deal Foundation has started a “Farmer Producers Company” (FPC) with the approval of the government. Small and micro farmers can become members and receive financial benefits for their production scale. Disabled farmers and women can access facilities such as machinery, seeds, fertilizers, and market linkages through their shares in the farmer producer company. In this way, the Deal Foundation is providing green energy facilities to the differently-abled through the farmer producer company.

The Deal Foundation, an organization working in agriculture to prevent pollution, celebrated World Environment Day on June 5 by planting saplings at its office premises in Mevundi village. Every year, Environment Day is celebrated at the Deal Foundation by planting saplings to prevent air pollution. Saplings are planted in a central location by all Livelihood Officers, including Uma Cheil Gowder, Shivkumar Shirur, Sagar Virapannavar, and Mudlapur Sir, who work in each taluk. This organization is committed to preventing air pollution by growing plants annually.

In this way, the Deal Foundation is working to prevent air pollution and help farmers financially by planting trees, making compost, and providing training. Additionally, the foundation promotes banning plastic, planting more trees and plants, saving water, recycling, and protecting wildlife and animals—steps that lead to a better environment. Everyone should strive to keep their surroundings clean and healthy. We must protect natural resources and use them efficiently and carefully. Together, we can build a beautiful and healthy environment, as demonstrated by the Deal Foundation.

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