Following my previous blog,  about why some of us may choose to live in denial despite the lasting impact it has on us,    this time I would like to focus on what we can do to face up to it. 

Let me begin by acknowledging,  that I live with a certain degree of warped reality. I would like to believe this is not unique to me alone. 

Most of us live with this sense of warped reality to a greater or lesser degree. It is therefore important to carry out a reality check from time-to-time.

The way I do this, is by just asking myself a simple question.

Am I able to recognise the situation I have got myself into and have I been able to respond to it in a way that it puts me back in control?

if we take a close look at our lives, I’m sure we will find a number of situations which we could have handled better.   

In facing up to denial,  I have found that it pays to:

Be honest about the situation you are in,

Look at the situation as it is and not as you want it to be,

And Take the necessary action to bring about the change you want to see.

In line with the issue of climate change and how it impacts the most vulnerable in our society raised in my previous blog, it is encouraging to see how vulnerable individuals and communities of persons with disabilities have chosen to engage with climate adaptation activities in Mevundi village situated in Mundergi Taluk in Gadag District North Karnataka.

A silent but firm resolve has seen 20 acres of land with very poor soil quality and water which was subjected to intensive farming practices until recently, being developed as an integrated model organic farm and environmental education centre. 

When fully developed, the farm will serve as a model for building farm-based disabled person organisations and cooperatives promoting sustainable rural livelihoods in the area.

I would like to leave you with some images of the first crops harvested this season and would like to take this opportunity to wish the project future success.

Let us do something that can change things for the better as we owe it to ourselves and those we live with.

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