Each stage of life has a developmental phase with different biological, psychological, and social characteristics of its own.

Every individual particularly persons with disabilities and care givers need to have an understanding about these phases as it would help in individual growth.

More often than not, persons with disabilities and care givers fail to acknowledge the basic needs of persons with disabilities at an early age which can have a large impact on an individual’s life. Hence this article brings to its readers the different needs of persons with disabilities at each stage of life. Every individual with a disability  may have different needs according to the roles, settings and circumstances that change over the course of their lives, from infancy (ages 0-6) to childhood / teenage years (ages 7-18) to adulthood (above 18 years).

Early intervention or childhood care needs to begin  after proper diagnosis.

During this stage care givers need to slowly but surely start planning for the child’s education.

Most children will begin primary school at the age of seven, this can include main stream or special education which will go up to the age of 16.

As children grow into teenagers and young adults, they can then enrol for work-skills training and move to work programmes which will help them prepare themselves for employment.  Long term care planning such as housing, financial security, and other alternate arrangements can begin after the child completes primary education before students with disabilities leave school.  These arrangements can then continue till one is an adult and feels there is no need for a primary care giver. After the age of 18, services such as employment through job placement, job support, employment services etc. need to be provided.

Finally As persons with disabilities reach 60 years of age, they will need to consider eldercare services.

(Source: enablingguide.sg)

At Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation, our main objective is to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities. We also acknowledge and understand the need to  promote awareness among the community regarding disability life cycle approach as it will help  individuals receive proper and timely support to grow up to become independent persons within the community.

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