In the society today, descrimination in most aspects has become prevailing.

It is also true for persons with disabilities.

Persons having a disability are generally discriminated due to their disability, they are assumed to not being able to function as the rest of the society, and hence they are treated less favourably than a person without a disability in the same or similar circumstances.

In order to avoid persons having a disability being discriminated, one needs to ensure protecting the disabled in all aspects of public life including

  • Employment – getting a job, terms and conditions of a job, training, promotion, being dismissed
  • Education – enrolling or studying in a course at a private or public school, college or university
  • Accommodation – renting or buying a house or unit
  • Getting or using services – such as banking and insurance services, services provided by government departments, transport or telecommunication services, professional services like those provided by lawyers, doctors or tradespeople, services provided by restaurants, shops or entertainment venues
  • Accessing public places – such as parks, government offices, restaurants, hotels or shopping centers. Etc.

Persons with disabilities are also more often than not suffering from harassment majorly due to their disability.

Harassment because of a disability, such as insults or humiliating jokes, is against the law if it happens in a place of employment or education, or from people providing goods and services.

Hence it is essential that we as individuals prevent discrimination of persons with disabilities within the society and protect them from all forms of discriminations.


Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation) works across the districts of Gadag and Bengaluru.

The main objective is to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities to enable them lead an independent life like the rest of the society.

We are also working to eradicate discrimination of persons with disabilities and help them understand the rights given to them that can enable them live as independent persons.

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