LeTs (Learn through Stories) Foundation is a not-for-profit educational venture. It is a collaboration between design professionals and young students from far-flung parts of India.

Together, they create books.

Students bring stories; they teach them storyboarding, illustration and book design in multi-day workshops. The very act of producing a book changes learners and their relationship with learning.

This being the major work of the LeTs Foundation, a five day workshop in collaboration with DEAL Foundation, was conducted involving 3 schools (HPS school Meundi, Government High School Meundi, and LPGK  school Meund)i, during which children were given an opportunity to come up with their own content in the form of drawing, painting, words. etc.

The members of the LeTs Foundation believe that if children are given the opportunity to come up with their own content, they learn things remarkably quickly than just teaching them out of other people’s content.

Therefore, during this five day workshop, children were made to do exactly that. Through different activities conducted during the course of the five days, several interesting stories written by the children in their own language were taken back to be translated and made in to books and an app which then the children can read or listen and learn English.

Some of the books produced, will also be made in to short films which will amuse the children and encouraged them to do more.

Around 40 students were a part of the workshop. Out of which a few of them were children with disabilities as it was a collaborated one, the members of the DEAL Foundation were also a part of the workshop.

 We, together with the LeTs Foundation are working together to see how we can help children with disabilities also be a part of the learning scheme.

At the end of the workshop, the children were given books of stories that came out of other children’s content across India, which will also enhance their learning abilities.

The students and the teachers of the three different schools, found it to be very useful and promised to help other students also learn using the same idea.

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