The movement towards empowering persons with disabilities is growing. Entrepreneurship involves developing the skills and perspectives of people with disabilities. As such, entrepreneurship allows people with disabilities to take control of their own destiny and create values aligned with their interests. The Deal Foundation, an industry organization, is providing training to the disabled to meet their needs and utilizing their skills and talents to make them stand out in society.

Community development, agricultural systems, and agricultural products are areas where the Deal Foundation is empowering differently-abled individuals in every taluk to lead self-reliant lives by providing various homemaking training programs. Motivated by this initiative, people with disabilities have become interested and come forward, engaging in self-employment, starting jobs, and being recognized as examples that individuals with disabilities can make meaningful contributions when given opportunities in society. Mahadevappa Bangi is one such individual.

Speaking about him, Mahadevappa is originally from Adarkatti village in Lakshmeshwar taluk. His father, Erappa, and mother, Nagamma, raised him in a joint family with three brothers. Despite facing difficult situations, his childhood was filled with happiness within the family. His parents, determined to provide education, ensured that all the children received education. Mahadevappa completed his education at the 10th standard in a government school. Subsequently, he aspired to educate his parents. To achieve this, he commenced working as a wage earner and, while managing the family, ensured the education of his family members.

As there was a bike in his house, Mahadevappa learned to ride it with his father. Later, he acquired the skill to drive taxis and started working as a driver. Realizing that supporting his education and family on such wages would be challenging, he informed his father about his intention to acquire a Tata AC car and pursue a job. Subsequently, Mahadevappa purchased a Tata AC vehicle and commenced working, traveling to various towns to offer it for rent.

Later, Mahadevappa married Nanda Deepa, and their family was filled with happiness with three daughters. Life was going well, but an unfortunate incident occurred while he was on his way to another town, offering his taxi for rent. His taxi met with an accident, and a stone carriage fell on him, causing him to lose consciousness. Passersby took him to the hospital, where he received treatment. Unfortunately, due to the accident, he lost control of his left leg, and the doctor recommended amputation. Understanding the importance of his life, Mahadevappa’s family consented to the removal of his leg. After the surgery, Mahadevappa faced the challenge of supporting his family. His wife, Nanda Deepa, took up work as a laborer to sustain the family. With all siblings married and leading their own lives, the responsibility of running the household fell on Mahadevappa and his wife. Despite the adversity, Nanda Deepa took care of the house and children, while Mahadevappa worked as a wage earner to provide education for their children. Feeling the need to contribute more and not burden his family, Mahadevappa obtained an artificial leg assembly device from the government and began walking again. Determined to regain his independence, he purchased an auto with the encouragement of his family. Despite initial taunts from the townspeople, Mahadevappa, driven by the desire to prove them wrong, continued to drive the auto. Over time, Mahadevappa’s life improved, but financial difficulties persisted. Concerned for his health and the family’s well-being, his wife suggested starting a small-scale business, offering her support. Soon after, Deepa Gokavi, Livelihood Officer of the Deal Foundation, visited the Adarkatti panchayat. Intrigued by the possibility of receiving training and capital, Mahadevappa and 15 others formed the Basaveshwar Vikalchetana Self Help Society. The association received training from Delete Foundation, including the 2016 Disability Awareness Training, which informed disabled individuals about government facilities and job opportunities. Empowered by the training, Mahadevappa decided to become self-employed with the support of the Deal Foundation organization. Trained, these individuals can improve their financial situations by starting a job. Additionally, engaging in work from home can help alleviate leg pain resulting from their disabilities.

In this manner, Mahadevappa, who earned a living by driving an auto, finds hope for his future through the assistance of the Deal Foundation organization. This recognition is contributing to his standing in society. Mahadevappa shared his thoughts about the Deal Foundation, stating that losing his leg in an accident made life challenging. Despite working as an auto driver with an artificial leg, the pain persisted. Contemplating the future of his family, the Deal Foundation emerged as a beacon of support. Proudly, he acknowledges being a beneficiary of an organization that aids disabled individuals in becoming self-employed and enhancing their economic well-being. Mahadevappa expresses gratitude to Deepa and the Deal Foundation for providing the opportunity for job training. He envisions the Deal Foundation casting a positive influence on the lives of many people with disabilities across the country and gaining recognition nationwide.

In this manner, the Deal Foundation organization works quietly behind the scenes, bringing light into the lives of disabled individuals. We hope that the Deal Foundation will gain even greater recognition at a higher level.

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