Local Enterprise Development.

At DEAL Foundation, our focus is on building capacity and replacing traditional beneficiary models of service delivery based on meeting individual/community need with creating
transformational services where communities work together to create measurable outcomes and social impact.

Towards this end, we act as a conduit to raise and use community resources and build partnerships with grassroot bodies and institutions to carry forward these aims, to structure
itself in a way which enables their delivery and to create a culture which supports them.

We believe that a bottom-up development process is essential to:

  • Harness the potential of local community innovations and solutions to address present day
    development challenges.
  • Support the development of a funding mechanism that is community-centric and is not
    top down.
  • Support the process of building sustainable communities post the Covid19 Pandemic.

 Some of our key achievements over the financial year 2022 include:

  • Creation of Surakshita Disabled Persons Savings & Credit Cooperative.
  • Work was undertaken to establish a district-wide women Producers Company for production and
    processing of millets.
  • Work was undertaken to develop and extend community-based model apiary in rainfed areas.

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