My Story:  Adivappa V Betageri

We had a chat with Mr. Adivappa V Betageri to understand more about himself and his association with DEAL Foundation.

Hello Adivappa , do you mind if we have a chat with you to understand more about you and your association with DEAL Foundation?

Most certainly, I will be more than happy to talk to you as it also gives me an opportunity to express myself and my gratitude to the foundation for the wonderful work undertaken.

At the outset, can you tell me more about yourself and about your disability?

Sure, I am Adivappa residing at Gajendragad taluk in Gadag district.

Since birth I have been physically disabled and also suffer from dwarfism, which took a huge toll on me and my family for it wasn’t easy for us to accept and come in to terms with my disability.

However I slowly came to realize that life is not a bed of roses and hence I need to rise up to the challenge, accept my disability and move forward.

So, how has this situation impacted you?

Due to the earnest support I received from my family and friends, I was able to accept my disability in a positive light and as a means to achieve more rather than nothing.

This has largely helped me become who I am today.

However, it doesn’t take away the fact that I had to undergo a number of challenges due to my short stature and physical disability.

As a child my peers at school would humiliate me and isolate me as they were unaware that like them I could also take part in all fun filled activities. I also encountered difficulties getting to and from school, as the schools were quite a distance from my place of residence.

But nothing would stop me from doing what I wanted to do and hence I completed my education successfully.

What do you do currently?

I work as a supply operator for Aura water purifier in my village. This has kept me going and made me financially independent due to which I can now take care of my father and myself.

So finally, what is your opinion about DEAL Foundation?

Well I do think that the foundation is really doing a wonderful work of helping persons with disabilities by promoting sustainable livelihood opportunities.

I have been associated with the foundation for a long time now, it has been a fulfilling one for which I know I have the members of the foundation to thank. It is because of the trainings I have attended provided by the foundation, I am now confident to do more for myself and my family.

The foundation has instilled in me the confidence and a hope for a better future.

I am proud to say that I belong to a self-help group called Shri Puttaraaja SHG. This has helped me a lot financially as well as my all round development.

I would like to join the foundation in their efforts to build individual and community resilience and help create sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities. I see my association with DEAL Foundation as a volunteer continuing to make a difference to the people living around me.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express myself and my gratitude to the foundation.

I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best for your future.

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