My Story: Basawaraj Kallappa Sangnal

We had a chat with Mr. Basawaraj Kallappa Sangnal about his life experiences and his association with DEAL Foundation.

Hello Basawaraj, do you mind if we had a chat to understand more about your disability and the impact it has on your life?

Sure you can. I will be more than happy to use this opportunity to express myself.

At the outset can you brief me about your disability condition?

Sure, but let me begin by introducing myself. I am Basawaraj Kallappa Sangnal residing at Venkatapura in Gadag district.

Now, in answer to your question, I contracted polio at the age of one which has affected my right limb and deformed my left limb.

Since then life has definitely not been a bed of roses for me and my family as all of us had to come in to terms with my disability which was not easy.

But with passing time, we slowly were able to accept my disability and I from then had a strong urge to accept this as a challenge and move on in life despite everything that should come on my way.

So, how has this situation impacted you?

The situation I am in has fortunately left me with a lot of positive impact as my willingness to achieve something and self-confidence has helped me a great deal to become who I am today.

But that doesn’t take away the fact that I had to undergo a lot of challenges both physically and mentally such as inability to be in par with rest of the children in school specially when I couldn’t equally take part in all the fun filled activities as a child, difficulty in boarding and exiting from the bus, walking from and to the bus stand etc.

But with the earnest support of my friends and relatives, I was successfully able to complete my graduation.

So what is it that you do currently?

I have worked at different places like the micro finance institute in Bangalore, Samarthanam Trust for the disabled at Dharwad etc. however I failed to get job satisfaction and hence returned to my village at Gadag.

Currently I have set up a small provision store which has enabled me support myself and my family.

I hope to do more as time progresses and earn a lot more so as to improve the financial status of my family.

So finally what is your opinion about DEAL Foundation?

My association with DEAL Foundation has been a long and a fulfilling one for which I have the members of the foundation to thank.

DEAL Foundation has been actively working across the district of Gadag which has stirred a hope in us for a better future. With the help of the foundation I have become a member of Annadaneshwari Joint Liability Group.

As an active member of the group, I have gained a lot in terms of my personal development and financially.

Overall the foundation has instilled in me the required confidence and hope to face the future.

I would like to join DEAL Foundation in their efforts to build individual and community resilience and create sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities. I see my association with DEAL as a volunteer continuing to make a difference to the people living around me.

Thank you for having given me the opportunity to express myself and express my gratitude to the foundation.

I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best for your future.

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