We had a chat with Mr. Kanakappa Ramappa Upparto understand more about him and his association with deal foundation.

Hello Mr. Kanakappa Ramappa Uppar, do you mind if we have a chat to understand more about your life experiences and also your association with the disability entrepreneurship and leadership (deal foundation)?

Most certainly. I would be more than happy to talk about my life experiences and use this opportunity to express myself.               

At the outset, can you tell me more about yourself, and your disability?

Sure, I am Kanakappa Ramappa uppar residing at Muktumpura Mundargi taluk gadag district.

I contracted polio since birth causing me to loose both my limbs.

Since then life has never been easy neither for me nor for my family.

However, with passing time, I came to understand that there is a way out if only I am accept my disability, do something to help myself.

Since then I have started considering my disability as a means to help me achieve something not as a problem that would leave me helpless.

So, how has this situation impacted you?

Well, my disability fortunately has left me with a lot of positive impact as I was able to get the required support from my family and friends which enabled me to gain more self-confidence and courage.

This has largely helped me become who I am today.

However, it none the less doesn’t take away the fact that I had to undergo a number of challenges especially as a child.

Due to my disability I had to always depend on my family to navigate from and to the school which was not atall easy.

I was also deprived from all the funfilled activities at schools such as sports and games which made me feel more isolated than ever. But, with the earnest support from my family and friends and due to my willing ness to achieve something in life, I was able to successfully complete my education.

So what do you do currently?

I currently produce tarpaulin hand knitted covers which is extensively used in agriculture.

This is currently sufficient to support me and my family, but in the days to come, I have the confidence and the will power to involve myself in other income generating activities so as to help my family better.

So finally, what is your opinion about the work of the disability entrepreneurship and leadership (deal foundation)?

My association with the foundation has been a long and a fulfilling one for which I have the members of the foundation to thank.

Deal foundation has been actively working across the district of gadag, which has stirred in us a hope for a better future.

Now, speaking for myself, like many other disabled persons, I was also not aware about the benefits I am entitled to receive from the government.

But it has all changed now, with the help of the members of the foundation I am receiving all the benefits from the government which has helped me a great deal.

With the confidence and courage provided to me by the foundation, I am now a member of Marutheshwara SHG.

I have always been an active member of the group due to which I have gained a lot in terms of my personal development and financially as well.

Over all, the foundation has helped me understand how to see life differently and has instilled in me the hope and confidence to face the future.

I would like to join the foundation in their efforts to build individual and community resilience and help create sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities.

I see my association with deal as a volunteer continuing to make a difference to the people living around me.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express myself and my gratitude to the foundation.

I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best for your future.

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