My Story: Mussavva

We had a chat with Mussavva from Dumbal at Gadag district about her life experiences and her association with DEAL Foundation.

Hello Musavva, do you mind if we have a chat more about your disability and the impact it has on your life?

Sure you can, I would be more than happy to use this opportunity to express myself.

To begin with, can you brief me about your disability?

Sure, let me begin by introducing myself. I am Mussava residing at Dumbla at Gadag district.

I contracted polio at the age of one. However, this has not been the end of life for me, I have been able to achieve a lot despite my disability.

So how has this situation impacted you?

My willingness to achieve something and my self-confidence has helped me become who I am today.

But that doesn’t take away the fact that I had to undergo a lot of challenges both physically and mentally such as inability to be in par with rest of the children in school specially when I couldn’t equally take part in all the fun filled activities as a child, difficulty in boarding and exiting from the bus, walking from and to the bus stand etc.

With the help of my dad and the earnest support from my other friends I was able to complete grade 12.

So what do you do currently?

I had the privilege of taking tailoring lessons from the time I was at school.

This indeed has helped me as I am now involved in tailoring. The income I am able to earn out of it may not be able to meet the  needs of my entire family, however I am able to meet my own needs and makes a lot of difference to me.

I hope to do more as time progresses and earn a lot more that will be able to support my entire family.

So finally, what is your opinion about DEAL Foundation?

My association with the foundation has been a long and a fulfilling one for which I would like to whole heartedly thank the foundation and its members for the wonderful work they have undertaken to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities across different taluks of gadag district.

It is really encouraging to see how persons with disabilities are given opportunities to prove themselves and empowered to lead an independent life.

Speaking for myself, I have gained a lot from the foundation. I have become a member of Mayaka Devi Joint Liability Group. As an active member of the group, I have grown a lot in terms of my personal development and financially as well.

Overall the foundation has instilled in me the required confidence and hope to face the future.

I would like to join DEAL Foundation in their efforts to build individual and community resilience and create sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities. I see my association with DEAL as a volunteer continuing to make a difference to the people living around me.

Thank you for having given me the opportunity to express myself and express my gratitude to the foundation.

I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best for your future.

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