My Story: Sharanappa Goniswami

We had a chat with Sharanappa Goniswami from Venkatapur village in Gadag district about his life experience, and his association with DEAL Foundation.

Hello Sharanappa, would you mind if we have a chat to understand more about your disability and the impact it has on your life?

Sure you can, I would be more than happy to share with you a little bit more about myself.

Can you brief me about your disability?

Sure, let me begin by introducing myself.

I am Sharanappa Goniswami residing at Venkatapura village in Gadag district. I am suffering from physical disability. Both my left limb and left arm are deformed as I met with an accident.

However, I have not given up but have moved on despite all odds and ends.

So how has this situation of yours impacted you?

I have always had the strong will power to move on in life regardless of what ever challenges might come my way hence life has proved to be easier than I anticipated.

But that doesn’t take away the fact that I had to undergo a lot of challenges both physically and mentally such as inability to be in par with rest of the children in school specially when I couldn’t equally take part in all the fun filled activities as a child, difficulty in boarding and exiting from the bus, walking from and to the bus stand etc.

I have completed grade 4 and had to drop out due to the lack of interest in continuing my education.

What are you engaged in currently?

After I dropped out of school, I involved myself by working at my father’s store. However due to financial constraints and other pressures at the home front we just could not continue with it, hence had to find another way to sustain myself and my family which gave way to opening a small cafe that serves snacks and cool drinks.

I am really happy to see the way it has flourished and grown. I am also proud to say that this has enabled me to live an independent life.

So finally, what is your opinion about the work of DEAL Foundation?

I would like to take this opportunity to whole heartedly thank the foundation and its members for the wonderful work they have been doing across different taluks of gadag district.

Personally I have gained a lot from the work of the foundation. I have become a member of Sangolli Rayana JLG. As an active member of the group, I have grown a lot in terms of my personal development and financially as well.

I have also been nominated as one of the Directors of the Surakshita Cooperative Society that was launched recently due to the tireless efforts of the members of the DEAL Foundation.

Overall the foundation has instilled in me the required confidence and hope to face the future.

I would like to join DEAL Foundation in their efforts to build individual and community resilience and create sustainable livelihoods for persons with disabilities. I see my association with DEAL as a volunteer continuing to make a difference to the people living around me.

Thank you for having given me the opportunity to express myself and express my gratitude to the foundation.

I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best for your future.

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