This statement has been very evident in the lives of this couple Annapoorna Bagewadi and her husband, Mallesh Bagewadi. This couple lives in a village of Haitapur in Mundargi taluk in the district of Gadag.

Annapoorna has an upper limb defect which restricts her ability to undertake daily living tasks which require the use of both hands.  As a person with a physical disability, it is not easy for her as she has engaged herself in kitchen gardening activity wherein she would be facing issues such as, reaching out to water the pots, examining if the soil is good for growing vegetables, filling the pots with the necessary ingredients, measuring the quantities of the soil, manure, etc. that are necessary for cultivation, and lifting them to a place where it needs to be kept so that they are well taken care off.

Despite all odds, she has not given up, but persevered which has brought her success. With the support of Mallesh, she has now been able to grow a variety of vegetables at the backyard of her home.

When asked how she is enjoying the whole experience, Annapoorna confidently puts across that, it is the team work that actually keeps her going and she also assures that she can emerge strong with the support of Mallesh, as he not only supports her to undertake the physical activities at the garden, but also helps plan and execute things in a timely manner which she feels is very important, very encouraging and helpful. Therefore she is very confident and happy in her field of work, and has the confidence that this will help her sustain herself and her family.

Apart from this, Annapoorna is an active member of the Self-Help Group supported by DEAL Foundation. Along with other members of the group, Annapoorna seeks to build on her sense of growing confidence and independence by exploring different income generation activities that she could be involved in.  

As I am putting this down, i feel lot more inspired by the great work she has been doing, and I’m sure after having read this you would too!

Also, after viewing this article, one may also consider this to be a good activity to begin with which on a whole, is not at all a bad idea as it reaps many benefits:

  • One gets to eat more homegrown seasonal vegetables and herbs that are free from harmful pesticides.
  • There’s better control over what goes in to one’s meal when you are growing it yourself, making it a healthier option.
  • Kitchen gardening is a very healthy way to involve the whole family in physical activity.
  • Kitchen gardening also helps clean up a lot of air around one’s home.
  • And, the kitchen garden setup by you goes a long way in healing the environment around you, this helps meet the families nutrition needs.

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