Samriddhi Vikalachetana Mahila Self Help Society and Samarth Vikalachetana Self Help Group are among the various groups of differently-abled people in Gadag taluk. These two self-help societies for differently-abled individuals were formed when they realized that it is better to come together, especially when people with disabilities find themselves socially excluded. The purpose of these groups that united was to provide information, communication, education, and an opportunity to live their lives independently through training on the individual rights of children with disabilities. The Deal Foundation is facilitating this provision of training to these special needs children with disabilities. This is what the Deal Foundation is accomplishing through training, knowledge-building, and motivation.

Similarly, a self-help group for children with disabilities was established, and Deal Foundation provided numerous training sessions on topics such as business, disabilities, and government facilities. The knowledge gained from these training sessions instils the belief that if all the disabled children within these associations are given opportunities for job training, they can demonstrate to parents that their children possess unique passions and courage, just like any other child. Moreover, if disabled children are afforded opportunities within society, they can achieve noteworthy accomplishments and become role models for the community.

In coordination with Manjunath Haddannavara, the head of the school, Veena Shakhanavara, the livelihood Officer of Deal Foundation, sought the opinions of all the children. The inquiry focused on identifying the children’s interests and potential training areas. It was observed that some children were inclined towards paper bag making, while others expressed interest in saffron training and candle wax. Notably, there was a notable interest among the children in receiving training for making wicks.

Similarly, when Shivakumar Shirol, the Training Coordinator of Deal Foundation, learned about the interests of these children, he took pride in the enthusiasm and interest displayed by the mentally challenged children.

Following the saying, the initial training provided to the two self-help groups of special individuals focused on paper bag making. Shivakumar Shiroor and Veena Shakanavara, in collaboration with the school principal, conducted the paper bag training. The training day commenced with the lighting of a lamp during a small program. Shivakumar tailored the training to the intellectual level of the children, guiding them. Even the exceptionally gifted children showed a keen interest in making paper bags. Some children progressed slowly, while others were highly engaged and attentive. The takeaway from this experience is the recognition that there is an underlying desire within individuals with special needs to contribute meaningfully, and they deserve opportunities to do so.

After the paper bag training, all the school staff expressed their pride in the fact that the Deal Foundation organization provided opportunities to these children. They diligently worked on improving their skills day by day, reaching a commendable level in crafting paper bags. The Deal Foundation took pride in the achievements of these children, and this success story was even reported in the newspapers, highlighting the training provided by the Deal Foundation to disabled individuals. Deal Foundation has taken a step further by establishing self-employment centres in every taluk to identify differently-abled individuals and offer them employment. The paper bags crafted by these disabled individuals are sold at these centres. Additionally, the Deal Foundation has made these paper bags available on the Jeevan Kart app for purchase.

Mr. Surendranath Shroff, Elizabeth Shroff, Head of Deal Foundation.

Mohammed Aror from Sidbi, Nick Edward, Ajaz Rashid from CSR, and the staff of the Deal Foundation visited this special, spirited self-help society school. The school principal welcomed and honoured everyone with a program. Upon seeing the children, everyone extended their congratulations and appreciated their persistent efforts in creating paper bags.

Surendranath Shroff, Head of the Deal Foundation, addressed the gathering, spoke about the challenges faced by the disabled, and reassured that the Deal Foundation would always stand by them, ensuring the progress of all these children reaches a higher level. Despite having intact body parts, some people may not achieve much, making it a matter of pride that these specially-minded children are being trained in this manner and have reached this level. The school’s head, Manjunath Hadannavar, expressed gratitude, stating that they would always be indebted to the Deal Foundation for training these children and enabling them to lead self-reliant lives.

The Deal Foundation, along with its dedicated trainers, takes responsibility for nurturing the aspirations of individuals. It is understood that the activation process is key to unlocking one’s true potential. For specific inquiries or assistance related to this blog, please contact To learn more about the work we do, visit

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