Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement:
Collecting your details to communicate our work:
This page provides an overview of the conditions in which DEAL Foundation collects, stores and uses your data, facilitated by Google Analytics.

Collecting Your Information:
We collect data (name, email address, IP address) in a number of ways, for example, via an embedded sign-up form on our website. Sometimes a subscriber’s details are added manually, either by administrative staff upon permission given by an individual, or directly by the individual who can update their profile personally.
We also monitor activity on our website, when you do one (or more) of the following:
1. Download any of our brochures or information leaflets.
2. Browse from page to page
3. Complete any of our contact forms

Cookies on this website:
We use cookies to ensure that you have the best experience on our website. The cookie settings on this website are currently set to allow all cookies. To change the cookie settings on your device, click on the link below.

Using Your Information:
Your personal information will never be shared by us outside of DEAL Foundation or used by us other than to monitor website activity or send updates and emails to subscribers. We will only use Google Analytics data to monitor and analyse activity related to browsing our website and downloading content from our website. This allows us to reflect on and change our website to improve content, functionality and visitor experience.

Updating or Deleting Your Information:
If you have any questions about your data or wish to update or delete your profile or contact information you can do this at any time. You can do this by sending us a mail to: mailto:



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