Soft skills as we would all agree are the essential skills one needs to develop in order to succeed in the world of work. This equally applies to situations of self-employment or ones journey to entrepreneurship development.

At Disability Entrepreneurship And Leadership (DEAL) Foundation, we focus on building critical thinking and problem solving. We believe that problem solving skills are as critical to work as to life and everyday living.

Critical thinking and problem solving: Many jobs require employees to develop relevant connections between ideas, draw conclusions, make predictions and determine whether the predictions made are correct. This is especially true for persons with disabilities engaged in sustainable livelihood activities.

Adaptability: Sometimes solving a problem requires looking at it from a different perspective, or there may be multiple ways to successfully solve the problem. People must make decisions not just based on what they think or feel, but on data and information that supports the best solution. 

Critical thinking is especially relevant for effective decision making including financial and enterprise planning.

Communication, leadership and change makers: As part of our work on promoting sustainable livelihoods, we believe that above all, individuals need to emerge as strong communicators, leaders and change-makers in their own right regardless of one’s background, upbringing, level of education and access to opportunities.

Adaptability: Today’s employees must learn to live with the fact that it’s OK to fail multiple times before achieving success. But most times persons with disabilities find it hard to accept failure and tend to lay down their frustrations in a very inappropriate way. Therefore it is very essential for persons with disabilities to develop the skill of adaptability and be resilient in the face of setbacks.

The disability entrepreneurship and leadership (deal foundation) works to promote sustainable livelihood opportunities for persons with disabilities.


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