We are back with the third series to the game of nutrition cards created by Dr. Bharati Chimmad (UAS Dharwad). This is a very educational and also fun filled way to engage everyone in the family from kids to adults.

Healthy eating has many benefits. When we eat well, we sleep better, have more energy and better concentration—and this adds up to healthier, happier lives! Healthy eating should be an enjoyable social experience. When children and young people eat and drink well, they get all the essential nutrients they need for proper growth and development, and develop a good relationship with food and other social skills. For adults, eating well can help them stay healthy and strong as they age. Eating a variety of nutritious foods each day helps to keep bones and muscles strong, build a healthy immune system, prevent chronic disease and illness and manage health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

A quick reminder how the game goes:

There is a pack of seventy three health and nutrition cards. Each card contains a colorful image of the food produce for example vegetable, fruit etc. with nutrition information printed on its reverse. The packs of cards are shuffled before being distributed equally among players without disclosing the nutrition information contained in the cards. Each player arranges his or her cards in a neat pile without disclosing to other players the content of his or her cards.

In the first round, the topmost card will be picked up by the first player and the name of the food and the main nutrient content is announced aloud. Other players follow and do the same. Cards from respective players are compared to see which card has the topmost nutrition value. The player who declares highest nutrient content gains all the cards that were played in that round. The game continues and the player who ends up with most number of cards is the winner. 

Today we will look at Dill (shepu), dry maize, cowpea, finger millet (ragi), peanut, green gram (mung bean), mango, potato and sweet potato.

Dill (Shepu):

Dill, scientific name Anethum graveolens is a herb that is found throughout European and Asian cousins. Dill is commonly used to elevate the flavor of various dishes. It is often paired with salmon, potatoes and yogurt based sauces. Dill is rich in antioxidants, benefits heart health, lowers blood sugar levels and has anticancer properties.  It has the following nutrients

Per 100g

Vitamin A (pg)897.75
Calcium (mg)190
Energy (Kcal)37
Protein (g)3
Dietary fiber (g)2.1
Iron (mg)17.4

Dry Maize:

Also known as corn is one of the world’s most popular cereal grains. It is a seed of a plant in the grass family, native to Central America but grown in countless varieties worldwide. It is typically yellow but comes in variety of other colors such as red, orange, purple, blue, white and black. Corn benefits eye health and helps in prevention of diverticular disease. It has the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)342
Protein (g)11.1
Fat (g)3.6
Dietary fiber (g)11.9
Calcium (mg)10
Iron (mg)2.3


Cow peas or black-eyed peas are a common legume cultivated around the globe. They have a strong savory flavor and is often considered a staple in both Indian and traditional Southern cuisine. Cow peas support weight loss, promotes digestive health and enhances heart health. It has the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)323
Protein (g)24.1
Fat (g)1
Dietary fiber (g)16.17
Calcium (mg)77
Iron (mg)8.6

Finger Millet (Ragi):

Finger millet has been used across Africa and Southeast Asia for thousands of years. It has been used to make bread, beer and cereal. Today, finger millet can be found in health food stores and large supermarkets throughout the world and is used as an alternative to wheat or other grains. It improves heart health, controls diabetes and improves digestive health. It has the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)328
Protein (g)7.3
Fat (g)1.3
Dietary fiber (g)11.5
Calcium (mg)344
Iron (mg)3.9


Peanuts are a legume that originated in South America. Peanut products include peanut oil, flour and protein. These goods are used in variety of foods such as desserts, cakes, confectionery, snacks and sauces. Peanuts improve heart health, prevents gallstone, helps maintain healthy weight and manages blood sugar levels. It contains the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)567
Protein (g)25.3
Fat (g)40.1
Dietary fiber (g)11
Calcium (mg)90
Iron (mg)2.5
Vitamin A (pg)4.63

Green Gram (Mung Beans):

Green gram has been cultivated since ancient times. While native to India, mung beans later spread to China and various parts of Southeast Asia. These have a slightly sweet taste and are sold fresh, as sprouts or as dried beans. Mung beans are incredibly versatile and are typically eaten in salads, soups and stir-frys. They are high in antioxidants, prevent stroke, reduces risk of heart disease, reduces blood pressure, aids digestive health, lowers blood sugar levels and aids in weight loss. It contains the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)334
Protein (g)24
Fat (g)1.3
Dietary fiber (g)16.7
Calcium (mg)124
Iron (mg)4.4


Mango is also known as the ‘king of fruits’. Mango is native to India and Southeast Asia and has been cultivated for over 4000 years. There are hundreds of types of mangoes, each with a unique taste, shape, size and color. This fruit is not only delicious, but also boasts an impressive nutritional profile. It is high in antioxidants, boosts immunity, supports heart health, improves digestive health, supports eye health, improves hair and skin health and lowers risk of certain cancers.  It has the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Vitamin A (pg)342.87
Vitamin C (mg)16
Calcium (mg)14
Energy (Kcal)74
Protein (g)0.6
Dietary fiber (g)2
Iron (mg)1.3


Potatoes are versatile root vegetable and are a staple food in many households. Potatoes are relatively cheap, easy to grow and packed with a variety of nutrients. Potatoes help promote bone health, maintain healthy blood pressure, supports heart health,  helps with muscle movement, mood, learning and memory, helps prevent constipation, aids weight management and is good for the skin. It contains the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Vitamin A (pg)3
Calcium (mg)10
Energy (Kcal)97
Protein (g)1.6
Dietary fiber (g)1.7
Iron (mg)0.48

Sweet potato:

Sweet potatoes are sweet, starchy root vegetables that are grown worldwide. They come in a variety of sizes and colors—including orange, white and purple—and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.  Sweet potatoes promote gut health, have cancer-fighting properties, support healthy vision, enhance brain function and support immune system. It has the following nutrients:

Per 100g

Energy (Kcal)120
Protein (g)1.2
Dietary fiber (g)3.9
Calcium (mg)46
Iron (mg)0.21
Vitamin C (mg)24

We will soon be back with more helpful information on health, nutrition and well-being in our fourth series of ‘Game of cards helps promote awareness and community engagement’. 

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