
“When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem”.
Sudden shock caused by the Covid19 pandemic has challenged the sense of one’s self
and others. It has most certainly called into question the very notion of one’s social living
and well-being. Emerging from this will require us to become emotionally strong so that
we are able to better recognize and manage emotions and expectations of self and
In particular, we need to understand how:
1. Emotions effect decisions and influence behaviors.
2. Self-discipline helps one to adapt to changing circumstances.
3. Rationalizing helps respond to situations.
4. Managing discord helps motivate and inspire others.
Improved understanding of these factors continue to guide the day-to-day of staff at DEAL
Foundation during what is undoubtedly a crisis of a life time.
In spite of so many losses that each one is going through, it is really essential that we
gear up to face anything that should interrupt our well-being. To do this, individuals need
to develop ones way of being emotionally strong and find solutions to any problems
most intelligently.
Here are some tips which I think would help you become emotionally strong.
1. Utilize an assertive style of communicating.
Assertive communication goes a long way toward earning respect without coming across
as too aggressive or too passive. Emotionally intelligent people know how to
communicate their opinions and needs in a direct way while still respecting others.
2. Respond instead of reacting to conflict.
During instances of conflict, emotional outbursts and feelings of anger are common. The
emotionally intelligent person knows how to stay calm during stressful situations. They
don't make impulsive decisions that can lead to even bigger problems. They understand
that in times of conflict the goal is a resolution, and they make a conscious choice
to focus on ensuring that their actions and words are in alignment with that.
3. Utilize active listening skills.
In conversations, emotionally intelligent people listen for clarity instead of just waiting for
their turn to speak. They make sure they understand what is being said before
responding. They also pay attention to the nonverbal details of a conversation. This
prevents misunderstandings, allows the listener to respond properly and shows
respect for the person they are speaking to.
4. Be motivated.
Emotionally intelligent people are self-motivated and their attitude motivates others. They
set goals and are resilient in the face of challenges.
5. Practice ways to maintain a positive attitude.
Don't underestimate the power of your attitude. A negative attitude easily infects others if
a person allows it to. Emotionally intelligent people have an awareness of the moods of
those around them and guard their attitude accordingly. They know what they need to do
in order to have a good day and an optimistic outlook. This could include having a great
breakfast or lunch, engaging in prayer or meditation during the day or keeping positive
quotes at their desk or computer.

6. Practice self-awareness.
Emotionally intelligent people are self-aware and intuitive. They are aware of their own
emotions and how they can affect those around them. They also pick up on others'
emotions and body language and use that information to enhance their communication
7. Take critique well.
An important part of increasing your emotional intelligence is to be able to take critique.
Instead of getting offended or defensive, high EQ people take a few moments to
understand where the critique is coming from, how it is affecting others or their own
performance and how they can constructively resolve any issues.
8. Empathize with others.
Emotionally intelligent people know how to empathize. They understand that empathy is a
trait that shows emotional strength, not weakness. Empathy helps them to relate to others
on a basic human level. It opens the door for mutual respect and understanding between
people with differing opinions and situations.
9. Utilize leadership skills.
Emotionally intelligent people have excellent leadership skills. They have high standards
for themselves and set an example for others to follow. They take initiative and have great
decision making and problem-solving skills. This allows for a higher and more productive
level of performance in life and at work.
10. Be approachable and sociable.
Emotionally intelligent people come off as approachable. They smile and give off a
positive presence. They utilize appropriate social skills based on their relationship with
whomever they are around. They have great interpersonal skills and know how to
communicate clearly, whether the communication is verbal or nonverbal.
Many of these skills may seem to be best suited for those who understand basic human
psychology. While high EQ skills may come more easily to naturally empathetic people,
anyone can develop them. Less empathetic people just have to practice being more self-
aware and conscious of how they interact with others. By utilizing these steps, you'll be
well on your way to an increase in your emotional
intelligence level.
So what are we waiting for? Let’s try to implement these in our daily lives and I’m sure
this will help us handle whatever comes our way with ease and we will surely be more
happy individuals.

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