As community groups and non-governmental organisations and NGO partners.

DEAL Foundation recognises the important role of NGOs in community organisation and development.

Working with DEAL,  relevant NGOs and community-based organisations are able to:

  • Collaborate to achieve holistic development.
  • Share knowledge and domain expertise.
  • Carry out peer-to-peer review programmes and activities.
  • Increase programme reach and spread.
  • Develop and deliver effective campaigns.
  • Inform policy and practice development.

To find out more about how DEAL can work with your NGO please Email

As Corporate Partner

Closer engagement with the corporate sector is a DEAL priority and we are committed to working in partnership to facilitate business-industry collaboration and ultimately help drive inclusive growth and development.

As Government 

As GovernmentDEAL Foundation is committed to working in partnership with government bodies to reduce inequalities and social disadvantage faced by people with disabilities.

As Supporter/


The contribution of supporters and volunteers is vital to the DEAL programmes.  By working with DEAL, volunteers and supporters can help.

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