Agriculture contributes to poverty reduction

Agriculture, which is one of the oldest occupations, has still continued to be the primary occupation in the country particularly in the rural areas. About 70% of the rural population in India are still dependent on agriculture to sustain their livelihoods. It has...

Financial literacy, inclusion and sustainable livelihoods

 We are only too familiar with the expressions “Money makes the world go round” and “Winner takes it all”. For majority of people the human endeavour is about creating financial wealth, managing and protecting it. People with the ability and skills to make their...

Stay confident, stay strong

I say this to support the statement given by Parvathi, who is a woman with a deformed ear and mouth. Her disability posed lots of challenges to her as well as her family, as the opportunities provided then were very little or nothing at all, and she was someone who...

Never give up

This statement has been very evident in the lives of this couple Annapoorna Bagewadi and her husband, Mallesh Bagewadi. This couple lives in a village of Haitapur in Mundargi taluk in the district of Gadag. Annapoorna has an upper limb defect which restricts her...

Bee keeping, a source of sustainable livelihood

Most persons with disability are tied up not really knowing how to move forward in spite of them being aware that they need to do something for a living. This becomes a burden for them as well as their dependents. To avoid being in such a situation, one can think of...

Unravelling bee keeping

Apiculture or beekeeping is a kind of occupation that involves nurturing and looking after bees for the purpose of acquiring bee products like beeswax, honey, royal jelly, flower pollen and bee pollen. Apiculture in general implies to the maintenance of bees belonging...

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