
Completing the DEAL internship secured Nithya job as a Placement Officer at Allegis in Bengaluru. Nithya, who is from Erode, Tamil Nadu, has a severe visual impairment. She was able to secure the opportunity upon receipt of practical assistance and support to develop her skills through the DEAL Internship Programme. The internship co-ordinators of DEAL encouraged Nithya to take up and complete the internship while readjusting and learning to cope-up with her sight loss.
The programme team supported Nithya during her internship and coached her to successfully complete all the work based tasks of her internship where she learnt about providing effective support services for the training and development function within a corporate environment. When Nithya successfully finished her internship, she was offered an opportunity to work full time with ECS. Nithya was much more confident and hopeful since completing her internship and getting a full-time job that she moved on and joined Allegis, Bangalore and is successfully working there since.

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