
 After a difficult start and having faced many frustrations, Shyam was introduced to DEAL Internship Programme. Here he gained a better understanding of his key strengths, how and what jobs to look for, write a resume that highlighted his abilities, understand what employers look for and how best to present his skills in interviews. Shyam has a physical disability and previously, he had two jobs that only lasted for a few months but because of a mismatch between his aptitude, skills, abilities and roles, they didn’t work out.

“I wanted to work so much…and succeed in my job roles, I got really frustrated and lost my focus and confidence”, Shyam said. With support from Elizabeth, one of the founders of DEAL Programme, Shyam was able to regain his focus and confidence. Elizabeth has also helped Shyam think about his options and establish realistic short and long-term goals. A personal development plan (PDP) developed by Shyam and Elizabeth serves as a clear roadmap for his career development.

Shyam seeks to train as a Personnel Manager and work within a corporate setting. With the help of his internship on the DEAL Programme, Shyam has secured placement as a Logistics Resource at Laguna Clothing, Bengaluru and has since moved on to work in his home town – Coimbatore.
‘I’ve learned so many skills. These have helped me get a job at Laguna. But also I now know how to keep myself on track if things go wrong” Shyam said. This statement is an indication of the positive attitude Shyam has developed as a result of the support he has received through his internship at DEAL.

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