Stay warm, stay healthy

As all of us want to stay healthy at all times, the change in seasons, or weather shouldn’t impact our decision. On the other hand, there are different precautions for changing times that one needs to be mindful of in order to stay healthy. Let us in this...

Get enough sleep every night 

An exhausted mind is rarely productive  A Good night’s sleep is one of the most important aspects that contribute in one or more ways to leading an active and healthy life.  More often than we like to, the aspect of sleep has been neglected for reasons...

Benefits of water to human body

While many of us acknowledge the importance of water as a multipurpose natural resource, we more often than not fail to understand the importance of drinking water and the health benefits it brings with it to the human body. This could be due to the introduction of...

Keep your eyes healthy

Eyes are one of the most important sense organ of the human body as it helps see and understand things and make sense of the world around. While we are dependent on our eyes for most of the activities we do, it is equally important for us to ensure to maintain the...

Prevention is better than cure

Skin being one of the major part that protects human body, is also deemed to be one of the most sensitive aspect an individual needs to pay attention to in order to keep it healthy as it helps the skin stay in good condition for a long time, it will also help you look...

Be true to your teeth and they won’t be false to you!

Good oral health helps you enjoy life. It lets you speak clearly; taste, chew and swallow delicious and nutritious foods; and show your feelings through facial expressions such as smiling. In India, about 85% to 90% of adults have dental cavities, along with...

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