Joining the dots

‘It is not just what we do but why and how we do it that determines success’. If we are to achieve the goal of inclusive and sustainable development, emphasis will need to shift from traditional beneficiary models of service delivery based on meeting individual/community  need to creating transformational services where communities work together to create measurable outcomes and social impact

My Story: Dr Shivraj Desai

We had a chat with Dr Shivraj Desai from Desai Farms about his experiences and association with DEAL Foundation

August Event Highlights

Have a look at event highlights for August and the planned events for the forthcoming month

Health And Wellness

“When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem”.
Sudden shock caused by the Covid19 pandemic has challenged the sense of one’s self and others. It has most certainly called into question the very notion of one’s social living and well-being.

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