How to rebuild sustainable livelihoods post Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to disrupt lives globally with the second wave almost paralyzing us at home. While numerous measures are being taken for immediate relief by the nation, we simultaneously need to think long-term and also focus on livelihoods for sustainable recovery.

Staying relevant and responsive

Second wave of the Covid 19 Pandemic has forced a strategic rethink among organizations across different sectors of the economy. A key part of this rethink is to do with ensuring organizations stay relevant and responsive to aid recovery and build resilience over the period of the Pandemic.

Collaborating to assist persons with disabilities during the pandemic

Financial difficulties, lack of access to essential services and little to no assistance from the government are some of the difficulties that persons with disabilities have been facing during the Covid-19 lockdown, notes a report by the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP).

May 2021 Event Highlights

Raising awareness on and work with the community to practice Covid appropriate behaviour, adapt and manage the virus in day-to-day life.

Seventh series of ‘Game Of Cards Helps Promote Awareness And Community Engagement’

I am certain that by now those of you reading my blogs on the ‘Game of cards Helps Promote Awareness And Community Engagement’ have found it useful and most importantly have started adopting these in your day to day life.

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