My story: Kanakappa Ramappa Uppar

We had a chat with Mr. Kanakappa Ramappa Upparto understand more about him and his association with deal foundation. Hello Mr. Kanakappa Ramappa Uppar, do you mind if we have a chat to understand more about your life experiences and also your association with the...

Barriers faced by entrepreneurs living with disabilities

In the past two decades, India has witnessed high economic growth and there has been a rise in per capita income. Unfortunately, there are many sections of the population that still remain economically deprived. Though disabled persons constitute a small part of the...

Facing up to denial

Following my previous blog,  about why some of us may choose to live in denial despite the lasting impact it has on us,    this time I would like to focus on what we can do to face up to it.  Let me begin by acknowledging,  that I live with a...

Why do we live in denial when it doesn’t pay?

Why do we live in denial when it doesn’t pay? When confronted with the question of denial, most of us would like to believe that we do so with good reason. One can successfully even argue in favour of denial and suggest that it is good for us. I agree with this point...

Make use of the opportunity

Make the most of this opportunity:   Following on from my previous blog, I sometimes wonder if most of us make use of the opportunities that come our way? Or we wait for the right one to come along? If truth be told, the answer lies somewhere in the middle....

Are perceptions limiting

Dear readers, hope still keeping in line with my previous blogs, where in our main focus was on analysing what is entrepreneurship and  weather it is a platform where success can be achieved. In this blog I would be sharing my views on the different contexts...

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